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Weekly Workout Videos - Fresh healthy recipes - Inspiration, motivation and health tips - and it's all FREE!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekly Workout #12

It feels great to be back, even though I am still not at full throttle, doing the instruction video was great and it is amazing how long the last 2 weeks have felt. Not only because of all the waiting on tests and test results but not being able to execute my usual routine. Unfortunately I still do not have any final answers as the Doc's are trying their best to determine what my lumps are made of and if they are benign or not by trying to be minimally invasive. This approach takes time and patience but I truly appreciate them not just cutting me open and then asking questions later. I had an MRI done this past weekend as well as some extensive blood work and they feel these will be the last tests needed to put the puzzle together and get a clear picture of what these strange lumps are. I still feel very positive and hopeful that this will all turn out to be no big deal. With that said I am a "take the bull by the horns" sort of gal and waiting is not my specialty so I decided to take matters into my own hands and have done everything I know how to do to keep my body healthy and strong. I have been juicing like a crazy woman and feeding my body all those natural and yummy vitamins. I have been detoxifying my body as well (organic herbal enema's...... ummm akward.......oh I know it's a hard concept for some but it is an amazing tool  for detoxification, specifically your liver) and since I could not do my insane workouts I've been doing gentle rebounding exercises to help pump the toxins out of my lymph-nodes. This has been very beneficial and I almost feel like my old self and the pain and swelling in my abdomen and back is now very manageable. The body truly is an amazing thing and if you can detoxify yours and get all the crud out of it's way it will amaze you what it can heal itself of! Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, well wishes and prayers, I truly appreciate them.
 But enough about me, lets get to the good stuff and that is this weeks workout. There are some fun new moves this week as well as some good old reliable ones. Just make sure you push to your maximum so you get that sweat flowing and those muscles burning!

Weekly Workout #12
Main Set
Complete as many times as possible in 11 minutes

20 Duck-Under Squats w/ side leg lift
10 One Leg Burpees -right
15 reverse Piston Push ups
10 One Leg Burpees -left

---- 1 Minute rest ---

Mini Set
Complete as many times as possible in 8 minutes

20 Run Lunges
20 Figure 8 Leg extensions
20 Froggy Ups

Instruction and Modifications: 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekly Workout - What's going on ???

I have contemplated how much information I would share in this post or if I would even do this post but in the end I felt like me saying "I don't feel well" wouldn't be a sufficient excuse to not deliver a workout this week. When I started this program I had every intention of posting a workout every week because I would personally workout every week. Well even though my intentions were good I suppose when considering the calamities of life in general it is a bit unrealistic. With that said I am going to come clean about my "I'm not feeling 100%" claim that I made last week in WW# 11 because it is important to me  you all know why there will be no workout this week. For the past few months I have struggled with various pains and issues all related to being a female ( I'm sure you get what I am saying here). Without going through all my different aliments and to make a very long and drawn out story short, last week I went to the hospital to have fluid drained from my abdominal cavity because I had bloated up like I was 5 months pregnant (which I am not by the way). I also had severe pain in my lower abdomen and pelvis that had been there for quite a while but had escalated to the point where it was unbearable. After some testing at least 3 masses were discovered attached to the backside of my ovary and uterus and abdominal cavity. What these "masses" are has yet to be determined and I will be meeting with a general surgeon this Monday (tomorrow) for further enlightenment and hopefully to acquire and action plan. Though the news is somewhat alarming especially when words like ovarian cancer are being mentioned and are a very real option, I am hopeful and positive. I refuse to let fear guide my life and take control of my emotions. Nothing positive will ever come from giving into fear and doubt and right now I think being positive is the very best medicine for me. After having the fluid drained I have felt a considerable amount better and actually have been anxious to exercise but I have been given strict instructions to take it easy and not strain myself, especially my abdomen. This is a huge disappointment to me not only because my body seems to crave physical exercise but because I truly enjoy sharing this with all of you. I get excited about Fit At Home Mom and I feel a connection with all of you because of it. But I am going to be a good girl and follow doctors orders, at least until I meet with the surgeon tomorrow ;)

 So for those of you who are on week 12 and need a workout this week  my instructions are to go back and pick one of  your favorite workouts from the past 11 weeks and do it. Regardless of what happens tomorrow with the surgeon there will be a new workout video posted next Monday, either an instruction video by me or I will have a substitute fill in for me which is an idea I have been toying with anyway and I am anxious to try it out, but the workouts will still be designed by me even if I decide to use a substitute.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding in this situation, I am hoping this is just a small blip in the road and I can be back to exercising and helping all of you in your efforts in just a short little while. Though I was pretty much absent from the blog and Facebook this past week I will be once again posting recipes and other info on the blog and Facebook this coming week because the Dr did not say anything about straining my fingers so I can certainly type up a storm!  So go get after it this week, give it your all and do me a favor and add 5 bur-pees onto your workout for me since I will be unable to workout for myself.

 Believe you can do it and all things are possible! No go get your 20 minutes done... no excuses......unless of course you have abdominal tumors like me, then take it easy! (hahaha, sorry  I could not resist the irony in the slogan for me right now, it's just too funny !)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekly Workout #11

I hope everyone is feeling great this Monday morning and ready to go! Unfortunately I am a little under the weather right now and so we were unable to film me doing the Real Time workout for this week. However I was well enough to at least do the instruction and modification video I just cannot hit it as hard and as intense as I usually do for the Real Time workout. With all that said I will still be exercising this week and will be keeping it at a low level but for everyone else if you are feeling good then hit this hard and fast.

Weekly Workout #11 

Main Set - Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes

10 Flat Belly Burpee's
20 Knee Crunch Jumping Jacks
10 Cross Crunch Push Ups
20 Sitting Wall March (only count one leg)

----- 1 Minute Rest -----

Mini Set
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes
You will need a set of hand weights for these exercises

20 Overhead Press with squat 
20 Squatting Preacher Curls
20 Sitting Ab twists

Instruction and Modification Video:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ab Ad-on #2

This is an extra Ab workout to Ad-on to your schedule for anyone interested in  getting their tummy toned faster. It is simple and easy to fit in either at the end of your workout or any other time of the day!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekly Workout #10 - 1000 Rep Challenge

Who is ready to get their crazy on? This week we are doing a 1000 rep challenge. Yes you read that right, one-thousand reps! Some of you may be thinking this is above you because the sheer number is intimidating but I will give you the same advice we give our children, if you say you can't do it then your right! Can't is a bad word in our family and we just don't say it around here. Things can be difficult and it may take awhile to accomplish them but you CAN do it if you are determined and never give up. If you need to modify this workout do so, but get it done. It took me 20minutes and 21 second to complete but my goal this week is to get in under 20 and I plan on reporting my results at the end of the week. So work hard, don't give up and you will thank yourself for it!

Weekly Workout #10 - 1000 Rep Challenge

complete this workout as fast as you can

*100 High Knees (count both knees)
50 Plie Pulses
50 Plank Jacks
*100 High Knees
50 Crab touches
50 Bicycle crunches
*100 High Knees
50 One Leg Squats (left)
50 One leg Squats (right)
*100 High Knees
50 Knee Push ups
50 Ab Wheel (count each side)
*100 High Knees
50 Butt Lifts
50 Double leg Ab extentions

Instruction and Modification:

Real Time Workout

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Strawberry "Ice Cream"

I am one of those people where if I cut out all sweet treats I would go CRAZY! Especially because I am not on some fad diet, I eat clean and healthy and plan on doing it for the rest of my life, so it's not like I can reward myself in 20 days when my diet is done and go binge on brownies because I have denied myself the entire time of my calendared diet. (a major flaw with the dieting mentality if you ask me) Instead I find it so much easier and healthier to change the way I eat permanently for both me and my family. We eat clean, if you are unsure of this method click here for an article with a quick desription of clean eating. By eating this way we try and get as many fruits and vegtables in as possible, I am not kidding when I say we have them with EVERY MEAL. But just because we eat clean and healthy does not mean we don't treat ourselves. I believe everything in moderation and that certainly means sweet treats are consumed in my family. With that said what sweet treat I indulge in depends on how my caloric intake is going and what my current fitness goals are. And since most of you reading this are trying to lose weight I am not going to give you my recipe for homemade whole wheat brownies because I am telling you they are AWESOME but they are also higher in calories even if they are done using helathy clean ingredients. Instead I am going to share with you this super yummy strawberry ice cream because it is low in calories and I find it hits the spot in calming my sweet tooth or cooling off on a hot summer day.  I originally found this recipe on The Primal Home so I can't take credit for it but I can tell you it is wonderful and for any of you who do not do dairy this recipe is for you. Crazy right, non-dairy ice cream but it's true and it's easy and delicious!

 Strawberry Ice Cream
1 banana, sliced and frozen
1 handful of strawberries, frozen
1-2 tablespoons coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place the frozen bananas and strawberries into a food processor. Start blending then add in the vanilla and coconut milk. Just enough for it to blend together but not too much, we want it to be really thick! Once it is nice and smooth but still very thick scoop it out and enjoy! It needs to be eaten right away as it will not keep very well in the freezer. Makes 2-3 servings.

Ab -Ad on #1

I know these workouts have really changed my body. I am fit and tone in so many areas that used to be soft and flabby. But one area which proves to be the most stubborn on my body is my tummy. I am not trying for a six pack but it still could use large amounts of definition and toning. And lets face it, our abdomens are usually what make or break the way an outfit, either pants or shirt, fits us. So I thought it would be a great idea to begin a simple and easy Ab Ad-On every week in the middle of the week. So every Wednesday I will post a new ab ad-on or name a previous one to do. This can be done directly after your workout, essentially "adding it on" or you can most certainly do this any other time today, even before you go to bed take the 3 or 4 minutes and do these 2 exercises 25 times each. It is amazing what results can come from a little extra work!

Ab Ad-on #1