Ahhh, it's good to be back! Hopefully all of you have kept at things while I've been away and if you haven't then commit again today starting with this workout. We've only got 3 months until swimsuit season so all of you hoping to rock it this summer need to get serious and workout 6 days a week. This is a total body workout but with an emphasis on the core. The one leg squats with leg abduction will shape those obliques as well as your glute. The crab crunches, banana crunches and burpees will help tighten and strengthen those transverse abs all while engaging your entire body, what more could we ask for! So get after it and make this workout fit your schedule, if you only have 10 minutes than do it for 10 minutes or if you've got 30 then make it happen. A reminder that these workouts are what you make them, that is the beauty of them. If you do this at turtle pace then don't expect to sweat, you need to push your body to it's max and you will be sweating up a storm, burning calories and toning muscle so make it a good one this week!

**We will work on posting instruction photos in the next few days,
we're a bit slow getting back to this! Thanks for your patience! **