Something which is important to me is my physical health, I have always wanted to make sure I can run and play with my kids, go for long walks or hikes in nature, enjoy recreational events with my family and live as long and disease free as I possibly can. But something else which is also extremely important to me is my Family, they are my everything. It took me a very long time to figure out how to balance these important issues, keeping my physical health in check while not missing out on time with my family. For a very long time the pendulum would swing one way and I would feel selfish for taking so much time for myself and then it would swing the other and I would find that my body and emotions would suffer for my lack of attention and dedication, often times resulting in me not being the best person I could be for my children and husband. I am someone (like a lot of people) who reacts to a lack of physical exercise by falling into bouts of depression or anxiety, so when I ignored physical exercise it affected my family life. I didn't like this imbalance in my life, I felt like Jekyll and Hyde, and still do some days ;) but I knew there was an answer so I searched, contemplated, prayed and found a solution. The answers to our issues are out there, we just have to want to find them and then be willing to commit to them when we do. Everyone's balance point will be different but you will know when you find yours.Once you find that balance does it mean it will permanently stay in check? I wish! Rather it takes daily or sometimes hourly efforts to keep happily centered but, it can be done, and if you've done it once you've already blazed the trail and therefore all you need to do is follow the path back to find it.
We will have days where no matter our best efforts to stay balanced the end result feels much like chaos. On days like that just remember to tell yourself "tomorrow is a new day full of new opportunities to do better" it is never a failure until you give up. And a failure is never a waste because you can always learn from it.
So find your balance, start small with one area and then when you have mastered it, move on to the next area. It doesn't mean you won't have to retrace steps but I guarantee you will find greater health along your way.
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