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Weekly Workout Videos - Fresh healthy recipes - Inspiration, motivation and health tips - and it's all FREE!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekly Workout # 13

It amazes me how easy it is to get out of shape, and by out of shape I do not mean gaining weight I mean exercising wears me out quicker and my muscles are sore again like it is week 1. It has been a long long long 3 weeks for me. Not exercising has been very tough but during these three weeks it was very important to adhere to my doctors orders ( no matter how lame I thought they were). The good news is my results came back this Friday and the tumors on my uterus are benign and so ovarian cancer has been ruled out! The down side is that surgery still seems immanent because even though the masses the DRs found are not cancerous they are still causing pain and problems in my abdomen. BUT . . . I will make sure to get ahead on the videos so when it comes time to have surgery you can all keep pluggin' away and not get out of shape like me! Okay now with that out of the way I am excited to be getting back into full swing. I am now allowed to exercise at least until I have surgery so I am ready to hit this week at full speed because I have missed these crazy workouts! The reality of all this is, it is very easy to break the habit of exercising and super difficult to make the habit. So once you get started on these DON"T STOP!! If you do you will be kicking yourself for it later. Sometimes life gets busy or problems arise and taking a break is a necessity (such as I have been required to do these past 3 weeks) but if it is just an excuse get rid of it. "I don't have time" is not good enough . . ."I don't feel like it"  is not good enough. . . ."It's my birthday today" . . . not good enough!  Hey, the aging clock doesn't stop for you so why stop for it! So to any of my followers out there who are beginning to feel worn out or that their efforst have been "good enough" and are thinking of stopping, DON'T ! The beauty of these workouts is that they are fun, quick and easy to do and if you keep at them they will not only help you reach goals but MAINTAIN your goals so that you aren't back here in a year starting all over again.
So hit this workout hard and give it all you've got and get rid of your excuses because you are stronger than that!

Weekly Workout # 13

Main set
complete as many times as possible in 11 minutes

20 Slide Squats w/ kick
20 Mountain Push-ups
20 Switch Lunges
20 Plank Jacks w/ Side Knee crunch

 - - - 1 minute rest - - - 

Mini Set
complete as many times as possible in 8 minutes 

15 Full Body Sit ups
30 Butt Lifts (on wall)
15 Knee Tuck Crunches
30 High Knees (only count one knee)

Instruction and Modification Video:

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