Wow, if you have stuck it out and are here at week 16 ready for more then give yourself a pat on the back. The actual act of exercising is typically not difficult and even when it is you still feel awesome afterwards, the hard part is sticking with it and not giving up or giving in. If you have fallen off the wagon these past 16 weeks, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you get back on and keep moving forward. I really enjoyed this workout, I would say this is my first full week of hitting it at my maximum and it feels GREAT! My treatment for the lumps in my abdomen seem to be doing well other then causing me to retain some serious amounts of water, eeehhh! But I am going to try and up my water to 100 ounces a day and see if that doesn't help flush my system. How is your water intake going? Remember it is absolutely essential when trying to lose weight or just be healthy, so don't forget to
be a camel and drink up!
Weekly Workout # 16
Main Set
You will need a weight for both sets
Complete as many times as possible in 11 minutes
50 Butt Kickers
40 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Two Step Jacks
20 Squat and switch w/ press
10 3 Point V jumps w/ push up
----- 1 minute rest -----
Mini Set
complete as many times as possible in 8 minutes
30 Wood Cutters 15left 15 right
20 Triceps Press w/ weight
Ab Plank - 20 sec left side 20 sec, middle, 20 sec right side
Instruction Video
Real Time Workout
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