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About Me and the Fit at Home Program

     I am a very busy stay at home mom with an enthusiastic drive to have a healthy lifestyle for me AND my family. I am a dedicated wife and mother to 5 children ages 8 and under as well as a Young Adult fiction author. I know firsthand the demands of being mom and balancing all the other chaos which life can often present. I also know choosing to be a full time mom often leaves very little "me time". I have found that having  me time to better myself either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually is essential to being the very best I can be for my family yet it is still hard to make a priority and set aside time for. This is the main reason I began training the way I do. I have never had time or sometimes the resources to leave my kids and hit the gym for an hour or more, but I knew this was not an excuse to be unhealthy. Over the years (and pregnancies) I have done a lot of research and experimented to try and find the most optimal workout for someone like me; a woman with very little time, "postpartum pooches" and a strong desire to be the healthiest I can be so as to enjoy life to it's fullest. More recently I discovered high intensity interval time training style workouts with specific muscle building moves like plyometrics. Once I began training this way there was no going back, I loved this style of workout and because of the very nature of the moves my muscles were working harder then they ever had. I saw better results than in the past with other methods and I was working out for much shorter periods of time (20 minutes or less). The physical exercise was in place but I knew that diet was another important part, if not the most important part, of losing weight and getting fit. I have always striven to eat the food pyramid and have never been an advocate of crash diets or ones which restrict entire categories of certain foods but it took my son's health issues to really drive me to research as much as I possibly could about the effect food has on our bodies and what truly qualifies as  healthy eating. I now make sure both my family and I receive the proper nutrition to fuel our bodies. So with years of trial, error, experimentation and finally long lasting success it didn't take long to realize that just doing this for me was not enough, I wanted and needed to share all that I had learned and proven with anyone who would listen.  Thus Fit at Home Mom was born. I am by no means the perfect model of fitness or health, I still have milestones to meet and goals to reach but I feel like this is a journey and experience worth sharing and involving others in. If I can help other women be stronger, leaner and more confident in themselves while not having to give up those precious moments with those they love then that will make my fitness journey all the more meaningful and satisfying.


  1. I totally agree with your approach to fitness and nutrition. I've been doing short cardio interval workouts for a few years now and LOVE the way I feel. I am not a stay at home mom, so packing a lot into my workout is very important! ...and proper nutrition is critical to seeing results and having over all wellness. Love your blog and will definitely give your workouts a try :)

  2. I just wanted to give you a "shout out"! I am a mother of 5 under the age of 10 and also a writer, so I feel like we are kindred spirits! Great blog here! Congrats!
