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Weekly Workout Videos - Fresh healthy recipes - Inspiration, motivation and health tips - and it's all FREE!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekly Workout #9

Are you ready for a serious workout? I hope you are because you've got to bring your A game for this one. This totally kicked my rear end on so many levels and I am looking forward to sweating like this all week long.  I encourage you to see this workout through, if it is too tough just use the modifications but make sure you are still challenging yourself. If the last 5 or 10 reps of an exercise are tough and hard to complete then you are where you need to be. This is supposed to be challenging, that is how you burn fat and build muscle.
Now let's 'gitter' done!

Weekly Workout #9
Main Set 
You will need a sturdy chair and hand weights - 
Get through as many sets as possible in 11 minutes

30 Cheerleaders, weighted (alternate legs)
20 Tricep dips  
10 Jump ups onto chair
20 Reptile side crunches (legs elevated on chair)

----- 1 minute rest -----

Mini Set 
Get through as many sets as possible in 8 minutes

20 Froggy squats - weighted
10 Walking push ups
20 Bicycle crunches (count one knee)

Instruction & Modification Video:

Real Time Workout

Friday, July 27, 2012

Don't Forget to Feed Your Soul

Friday posts I like to dedicate to information and inspiration. The reason for this is because the more informed you are the better your decisions tend to be. The same goes for inspiration, we all need it at times and it often comes right when we need it the most. Fit At Home Mom is a fitness program to help participants become healthy, strong, meet fitness goals and hopefully gain confidence in themselves. I have said before this is not just about weight loss, this program means more to me then that and I hope it does for you as well. Last Friday I posted about body image and touched briefly on loving yourself and the importance of this, click HERE to read The Perfect Body - the facts about the fiction. This Friday I want to dig a little deeper into the subject of balancing your body and spirit and to do this I have a guest blogger. Megan Fields is joining us today with a post regarding that balance and how important it is to have in life. I should disclose that our guest blogger is my sister, specifically the sister I mentioned in my previous post who struggled most of her life with her body image and battled an eating disorder. I tell you this because she has been there, she knows what it's like to be so unhappy with your body that it consumes you. But more importantly she has found what works to pull herself from that dark side and come out on top. So thank you to my amazing sister Megan for doing the guest post, I admire her on so many levels and in so many ways, this is a woman who does what she says, practices what she preaches and I have rarely come across a more sincere, compassionate and selfless person such as her. So enjoy the post and I hope everyone has a super weekend!

Don’t Forget to Feed Your Soul

    Most of us are equipped with at least the awareness of what is healthy for us to eat and, that activity trumps inactivity. What we do with this awareness varies from person to person, and day to day. Essentially stated, we know what is best for us but we may or may not act on that knowledge.  When we wake up one day and decide we do not appreciate the truth that our jeans no longer button or we are just unhappy with what we see in the mirror we typically make the decision to join a gym, jump on the newest fab diet bandwagon, or maybe we go get a surgical consult. While neither of these things are the wrong thing to do, I challenge you first to establish an exercise plan for your soul.

My struggles with a positive self-image began very early in my childhood; it seemed innate because for as long as I can remember I have always felt physically inadequate. Sadly, the image I set as a standard for myself was not organically who I was, but also not obtainable by any healthy standard. My struggles manifested themselves in behavior to change my physical self when what I really needed was a recipe to enrich and strengthen my core, my soul.

I will never tell someone what to believe but I urge you to believe in something greater than yourself. I spent the greater amount of my childhood and early adulthood chasing a superficial image, created by an unhealthy mind; that constant feeling of imperfection is now being healed by my faith. If you find yourself with a void, stop trying to fill that emptiness with things of this world, you will never be satisfied and you will be impaired to succeed. Rather, dive into your faith and let your spiritual self call the shots.  

So how do we create an exercise plan for our soul? 

Begin with affirming yourself and who you were created to be. We were all born with gifts which will go undelivered if we don’t learn how to nurture ourselves with positivity. Recognize your negative thoughts and fears and then make the choice to reject them. Did you know it has been proven  the average person speaks 150 words per minute but we think at 500-600 words per minute? If we are not choosing the right words to listen to we are drowning in negativity, you cannot live a positive life with negative thoughts.

Gain some perspective; help someone less fortunate than yourself. As we know there are always those who seem to have it all, well there are plenty on the opposite end of the spectrum. There are so many who go without, and you have something to offer; time, donations, knowledge, a smile. When we extend ourselves our reward is that our character is supplemented. When we take the focus off ourselves we realize  there are greater issues to be concerned with than the 5 extra pounds we have been carrying around since vacation. 

Be a student of your faith. Read the literature and resources available to you and work to align your life with principals of faith. Also, get connected with a community of like minded individuals, this will help expand your knowledge and your support system. If you are having a hard time, let those around you lift you up and encourage you. Sometimes we can't see in ourselves what others value and cherish in us. 

I am certainly not negating the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise, doing those two things in a healthy manner will do miraculous things for your mentality and spirituality. You will be your best self if you incorporate exercises for your mind, body and soul. I am simply encouraging you to put more emphasis on your spiritual growth because that will deliver the largest return.

When your soul is rich and your character strong, your reflection in the mirror is more appealing even when your physical has not changed. So next time you look in the mirror and you don’t like something, before you try to kill yourself on the treadmill focus on what you are grateful for, affirm yourself and be confident in who you were created to be; He does not make mistakes.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Workout #8

I am not going to sit here and pretend like I have always been someone who has crazy amounts of determination and I stick to everything. That is not me, that is my wonderful husband. No I am one of those people who starts lots of things and then struggles to see them through. I am one of those people who say, "diet starts Monday" and then by Saturday I am justifying the 3 cookies I just ate. Most of us have problems with sticking to our commitments especially when it comes to getting fit and healthy. Lots of people set a New Years resolution to lose weight only to lose steam by March and then the gym membership for the rest of the year is wasted. This is a generalization but I feel like all of us at least see glimpses of this either around us or in ourselves. And that is why I love this program. It is the first fitness program I have done where sticking to it was easy. Where getting my 20 minutes in was not so difficult that I could easily justify missing it. I also had fun with it because instead of going to the gym every day and running on the treadmill for x amount of miles or minutes I am constantly changing what I do, how I challenge my body and my willpower. There is a beauty to this workout program and I hope by now you are beginning to catch the idea of it. This program is all about giving you some "me time" to better yourself physically without cutting into too much of your time doing other things as well as spending time with those you love. Balance is beautiful and I truly feel like I have a balance doing these workouts and that is why I have continued to do them and continue to try and share them with those around me. I want you to feel like I do, to love the transformation you see in your body and feel the satisfaction of knowing it has only taken 20minutes a day 5 days a week and you haven't missed out on anything because of it. It's a wonderful thing! So on that note here is your Wonderful Weekly Workout #8, enjoy and make sure you r really turn up the intensity this week!

Weekly Workout #8
Main Set

20 - Low Sliders
10 - Push up Jacks
20 - Two Point Knee Swings (left)
10 - Mountain Climbers - count one knee
20 - Two Point Knee Swings (right)
* Complete as many sets as possible in 11 minutes*

------ 1 Minute Rest ------

Mini Set

20 -  Plie Pulse Jumps
15 - One Arm Push Ups (left)
15 - Side Crunches (tap your toes)
15 - One Arm Push Ups (right_
15 - Side Crunches (right)
20 - Lower Ab Lift and Crunch
*Complete as many sets as possible in 8 minutes*

Instruction and Modification Video:

Real Time Workout:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gift Card Winner

Thanks to all you ladies who participated by leaving comments and feedback on the Facebook page and here as well. The entire point of this is to keep you accountable. If you have someone (or a community of someone's) to answer to then it can help keep you motivated and we all want to stay motivated. So using a winner was selected. ..........

Congratulations Ashley Judd Mckerracher!
Your comment was selected and you are our winner of the $10 gift card.
To claim your  Amazon gift card you will need to email me with your preferred email address so your electronic gift card can be delivered instantly! I hope everyone has wonderful weekend and is ready for a new workout Monday!

contact me:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Granola Recipe

I double this super easy granola recipe and make it on Saturday or Sunday, put it in a air tight tub and then my family and I use it for cereal, snack and just eat it by the handful or add it to things like yogurt! Granola is a great healthy breakfast or snack however a little goes a long way when counting calories and you can easily over indulge in this stuff so remember everything in moderation even the healthier yummy's! Enjoy!

Pumpkin Granola

Easy Homemade Granola

4 cups oats
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup sunflower seeds or flax seed, pumpkin seeds, slivered almonds or whatever seed or nut you like (optional)
1 tsp salt  
Mix dry ingredients and then make a well in the middle

1/2 cup to 3/4 cup honey (depending on how sweet you like it)
1/4 cup Grapeseed oil
2 tsp vanilla

Pour the wet ingredients into the well and then stir. Take your hands and squeeze the granola mixture making sure the honey and oil have coated all of it. Place on a cookie sheet and press down, this helps create clumps instead of it all just being loose oats. 

Bake for 25 mins @ 300 degrees

Let cool then mix in as many raisins or other dried fruits that you like. Store in air tight container and Enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Comment Contest - $10 Amazon Gift Card

We are going to do something fun and someone is going to win a $10 gift card. The giveaway is simple, it's basically a comment contest. From now (7/16/12) through Friday (7/20/12) at midnight p.s.t.  I will be posting questions on the Fit At Home Mom  Facebook page. Anyone who responds to it with a comment get's put in the drawing for the gift card. At the end of the week, using, one comment will be chosen and that person will be awarded an instant $10 Amazon card. Only one comment per individual post will count so if you leave 4 comments on one post only one of them will be counted, however if there are 3 posts that day and you leave a comment on each of the individual post all three comments will be counted for the day. This contest is in an effort to get everyone in the habit of being accountable to this program and community we are building here. The more we discuss and comment on what is going on here the more we can potentially help one another. The winner will be announced here and on the Facebook page on Saturday morning. The winner will then need to contact me via email with their preferred email address where the electronic gift card can be delivered.
Good luck and let the commenting begin!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekly Workout #7

Here we are at week #7. I love how time flies when you are working out and it is easy to do when it's only 20 minutes a day. The initial commitment to this program is easy, determination to stick with it is the hard part. But stay positive, negativity gets you nowhere but disappointed and depressed. If you fail to get it done one week or you over eat one day or 2 or 3, don't give up just keep trying to get on track. Week 7 workout was one I really enjoyed and I hope you do to. Give it your maximum effort and you will see results!

Weekly Workout #7

Main Set

15 side hop with 1/2 burpee
10 Kicking crabs with rotating push-ups
15 Squat dips with double knee crunch (weighted)
10 knee slappers

*Complete as many rounds as possible in 11 minutes*

-----1 minute rest -----

Mini Set

10 -three point leg extensions
20 marching glute planks (count one knee only)
10 - three point sit ups (weighted) 

* complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes*

Instruction and Modification Video

Real Time Workout Video

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Perfect Body - The facts about the fiction

I am going to be brutally honest, if you are doing my workouts and visiting my site because you are on a quest to have the perfect body then you are in the wrong place. Fit at Home Mom is about being healthy and fit (hence the title) and does not promote one single obscure body image as the promised result for each individuals efforts. The fact is the "perfect body"  DOES NOT EXIST and those who go seeking to obtain it often end up wasting large amounts of money, time and energy. The perfect body is subject to the statutes, ideals and limitations which society sets, or in more modern times, media and entertainment seem to be the biggest influence.

By today's standard many women have a desire to look like this....

Download Celebrity  Girls Wallpaper Wallpaper

In the 1950's women wanted to look this this...

During the Renaissance beauty was portrayed using what today would be deemed "plus size" women:
Titian's Woman with Mirror

I found this amusing. It is a magazine add from around the 1920's to 30's. This advertisement is not for some slimming shake or diet pill it is for a product to help women put on weight! Can you imagine something like this in today's Vogue or even Women's Health!

The point is, societies requirements for setting standards is flawed and it's like following the flight pattern of a bumble bee, it's buzzing all over the map and rarely remains in one place.

Unfortunately society has only gotten worse with it's standards and it's subsequent methods of promoting those views concerning the human body. In today's modern world society is able to tell us this is what is attractive or sexy...

However few people know that this picture below was the original taken before photoshop.
 * Note: I personally see nothing wrong with this original photo, there is no need to change this woman's body!

     What just kills me is how many women out there are striving to look like the ones they see in magazines but the truth is the models in the magazines don't even look like their own pictures! It just makes my stomach turn and if I am being completely honest it down right makes me furious.

 I am the mother of 3 beautiful girls and I fear the onslaught of skewed messages promoting a "beautiful body" image that are thrown their way even as little kids. Because of firsthand experience in watching a sister fight an eating disorder I have become very sensitive to media, images and even the language I use around my children when it comes to weight and body image. We do not use the word Fat in our household, #1 because there really is no need for it, why is there ever any reason to call someone fat? It is hurtful and no good ever comes from it.  #2 the word Fat is so lose in terms of what one deems fat. For example, I look at a picture like this one below and see absolute beauty !

This is my sweet 5 year old Ava. She has a smile that can light up a room. She is kind and compassionate but also a very passionate and spirited child. She will do amazing things in life because she is divine within, just as every little boy or girl is and we have striven very hard to teach each of our children this principle.
 I have always been very careful with my explanations as to why I workout or feed our family they way I do. I have always said it is about being healthy and I do not talk about weight loss or anything like that in front of my kids and have tried to cut such talk all together because I truly feel the focus should be on overall health, not weight. If you focus on being healthy and fit then eventually your weight will fall into the place it should be. However even with all my careful stepping a few months ago Ava suddenly stopped eating her lunch at school. I packed her lunch every day and each day there would be hardly a nibble. I asked her what was going on and she simply said she didn't like it. She is a very picky eater to begin with so we worked on finding healthy foods that she did like. But when this behavior persisted I sat her down and had a heart to heart where she revealed to me  a boy in her class repeatedly said she was FAT. Goodness gracious, since when do 5 year old children have any true sense of what the correct weight is? My heart was broken, I ached deeply for my daughter and I cried with her because all it took was one harsh and repeated comment to send her into what could have been an unhealthy eating spiral at the tender age of 5. I was also sad for that little boy. What kind of environment is he growing up in that he would even think to call a little girl fat? What is he hearing at home? What could possibly be said by his mother or to his mother? I don't know but unfortunately I think it is probably the "norm" these days.

If we want to teach the future generation what healthy really is, and what beautiful is we need to start with ourselves. We are the example and we have the chance to change the standard! But wait isn't this a fitness website, isn't this program all about shedding pounds and losing inches? Obviously I am someone who believes in maintaining a healthy weight, but it is not born from a desire to look like a super model. It comes from a drive to be healthy, to feel alive and energetic and be the best that I can be. I would be lying if I said I've never looked in the mirror and thought "man I look flabby" and "wow what I wouldn't give to look like that model". Imagine what being 5'3" and gaining 70 pounds during pregnancy can do to ones body! So of course I have done that to myself, but it stops there. Whenever I started in on all that nonsense I reminded myself that my self worth could not be determined or altered with my physical appearance. I also have a husband who drove that same message into my head whether I wanted to hear it or not. I love him for it and I am lucky. So yes, is it important to get rid of excess inches and fat? Definitely, but we need to be careful in what we determine is our excess. What I deem excess on my body will not be the same for the next person. This is why it is dangerous for me to look at a Victoria secret model and say "I want that". The fact is no matter how much weight I lose I would NEVER look like them. I am 5 foot 3 and have a thicker bone structure and because of all my competitive swimming as well as genetics I have broad and "bulky" shoulders. It's just the way I am built. I also have a VERY short torso, we are talking  like 3 inches of space between the bottom of my rib cage and the top of my hips.So the long lean slim hour glass stomach is not really in my cards like it is for some of those models. 

So when you start setting goals for weight loss and really I prefer to think of it as a fitness goal and leave out the term weight loss, there are a few things I want you to do.

#1 - Stop comparing yourself. - I realize this is like trying to tell a flower to stop smelling like a flower, as women comparing things and ourselves just seems to be part of who we are but you have got to learn to control it. It has taken, and will continue to take, years of me training myself to stop looking at others, either what they look like, what they have or their lifestyle and not think " they have it better". It can be a daily battle for some people but it is a battle worth fighting. Because those who look longingly at others will only find emptiness when they look at themselves. Concentrate on your good qualities, concentrate on your blessings in life, a thankful heart is a happy heart!

#2 - Educate yourself on what your body type is. - I am sure just about everyone has heard of the terms "bannana shape, apple shape, pear shape" and so forth. The fact is everyone is built different and it is important for you to understand your particular body type so you do not set unobtainable standards, like a 5'3" swimmer trying to look like a 5'9" model.

#3 - Determine your BMI - I give this advice as a lose standard because I have yet to find a BMI calculator which includes a way to factor in muscle mass effectively and we all know if you are made of pure muscle you are going to weigh more then you look. But as a general guideline a BMI calculator will give you a healthy weight range to shoot for and ones like this one here, help you set your caloric intake to fit your goals and activity level.

#4 Learn to love yourself for who you are - Self improvement can be a slippery slope. What can start out as a simple desire to lose some weight or feel better can quickly turn into a quest to obtain perfection. For example, I am going to get personal here and be honest about one of my struggles. I think we all know with weight loss often (if not always) comes loss of breast tissue. It is a cruel fact of life, and for someone who has never been well endowed it doesn't take much to give me flat pancakes for breasts. This is a struggle for me because I have always had issues with not feeling feminine, because of things like my body shape as well as not being able to have long hair, it has always been short! So not having much for breasts just adds to it all for me. Now we live in a day where I can fairly easily fix that which I do to an extent, it's called padded bras! But there is a huge push out there to go under the knife for a more permanent fix. It's hard to not do it when I see so many people having this surgery. I would love to have breasts again but, I hesitate. Why? Because if I get it done I may love the way I look in the mirror but will it make me love MYSELF more? There is a big difference between loving the image in the mirror and loving yourself. I also hesitate because I don't want to feel like I am going under the knife to fix what society has taught me is an "imperfection" and conform to what I have been programmed to think is beautiful.  I want to make it clear that I am not condemning breast augmentations, it is a very personal choice for every one, one I have considered over and over again but because of many factors including the ones I just listed I have never gone through with it because I have yet to feel comfortable with my reasons for wanting the surgery. For those of you who have had this done or are planning on doing it I am not saying you have conformed or done something wrong, these are just my personal feelings about me and how I would feel about myself because only I know my own heart and motives and the same goes for you. So please I am not sharing this to offend anyone, I have several women very close to me who have had this surgery and I am more than happy for them, somewhat jealous, and it hasn't changed how I feel about or the way I view them one bit! But I wanted to give a real life an example of what I am talking about here and it isn't always about weight, I ask myself, will bigger breasts, or let me correct that, actually having some breasts (hahaha oh but it's not that funny) make me love myself more or am I doing it so society will love me more? Will losing 50 pounds make you love yourself more? Will toning your abs and arms make you love yourself more? That is a personal question for everyone and there is no right or wrong answer but its important to ask yourself. Try to develop your own standards for beauty and forget what society says is beautiful because as I have shown above the only constant about the worlds opinion is that it changes.  
My personal goal, is to eventually love the woman I have shaped myself into, in all forms, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Confidence is not something that can be given to you, it is something earned through personal experience which means everyone will gain confidence in different ways. So whatever state you are in right now, whether it is 50 pounds overweight, or 20 pounds underweight (like the lady in the ad at the beginning of this post) Decide to love who you are. Start with finding the positive things about yourself, are you kind? are you a talented pianist? are you a good listener? do you have a beautiful smile? Find your positives, you all have plenty. Then once you love yourself for your positives you can commit to altering what you deem may be a negative either physically or otherwise. Life is about progression. How boring would it be if we weren't constantly striving to be better, to become better today then we were yesterday. Mortal life is beautiful and you only have one so don't waste it hating yourself.   Also for those of you with little children or specifically daughters, how would you feel if they started to refer to themselves as fat or ugly? It would break your heart because any mother would hate to hear her child fall into self loathing. So why is it any different for you? You are someones daughter, someones friend, wife, sister, aunt, granddaughter, mother and you mean something. You are worth more than you will ever know to the people around you and to the world and the sooner you realize it the better. My sister has placed the word Divinity written in simple small script where she can see it everyday. This sister has struggled with self image her entire life, which is interesting to me because I have always wanted to look like both my sisters, they are both gorgeous physically but even more so on the inside. And while I grew up aspiring to look even the littlest bit like my sister, she was unable to see and accept what I , and countless others saw. Still to this day my sister fights her battle with body image each and everyday and I am so proud of her for never giving up, she is such a wonderful example to me. She chose the word divinity to always remind her of what she carried inside her, what source she could draw strength from and what her potential could be. So if you take anything from this post let it be that, you are worth something, you were born into this world with a divine light inside you and instead of letting the circumstances of life diminish or douse that light it is your job to nourish it and let it grow so in the end you love yourself and who you have become.

Remember beauty starts within!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Simple Quinoa Stir Fry

This recipe is simple, delicious and full of protein and other super beneficial vitamins and minerals. This makes a great dinner and then left overs for lunch. If you have yet to be introduced to Quinoa you are missing out, besides being a super food it is super yummy and very versatile. Feel free to read up on it HERE. If you have not jumped on the Quinoa bandwagon I suggest you do and this is a great recipe to try it out with.

Quinoa Stir Fry

1 cup rinsed Quinoa 
2 cups cold water
2 tsps Better than Boullion Organic Chicken base ( i use this stuff here but I get it from Costco, it is amazing and I use it in A LOT of my dishes to add flavor but very few calories)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder

I place all of this in my rice cooker, if you don't have a rice cooker you would cook this on the stove top just as you would brown rice, by bringing it to a boil and then simmering it on low with the lid on. When the liquid is absorbed and the little seeds have sprouted "tails" and it is relatively fluffy then it's done.

In separate large pan
Heat 1 to 2tbls Grapeseed Oil on medium low heat

   3 tsps minced garlic
   1/2 cup of each - sliced onion, bell pepper, carrots, water chestnuts, broccoli and cauliflower (feel free to take out or add any veggies you like these are just the ones I prefer and almost always have in my fridge)
   Stir in 1/4 cup Cardini's Natural Roasted Asian Sesame Dressing and 1/2 Cup water. (or whatever asian dressing you like)
Cover and steam the vegetables, stirring frequently until tenderness reaches your liking. You may have to add a little water along the way to keep enough moisture in the pan to steam them.

When Quinoa and vegetables are done add the cooked Quinoa to the vegetables and mix. Remove from heat and serve! You can also add diced chicken to this recipe as well (pictured above)  ENJOY!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekly Workout #6

After 2 weeks of being gone on some pretty awesome vacations I have to say it is still a wonderful feeling to be back in my own home and get back to the routine of things. One of which is consistent daily exercise. The other thing that seems to be difficult when on prolonged vacation is eating what I normally eat as well as getting plenty of water. I did not do as well as I would have liked and I came home feeling sluggish and bloated. We filmed this workout the day after we got back and it kicked my butt big time, I was retaining water because I had not had enough and felt extremely sluggish. The reason I tell you this is because it truly is a testament to the fact that what you eat and drink is the main element of being healthy and fit. I am super excited to do this workout and kick my tail back in gear this week. I will also be doing this workout twice on Wednesday, once in the morning and once in the evening and I invite all of you out there to join me in getting an extra 20 in during the middle of the week to really help boost weight loss and energy levels .

Weekly Workout # 6
Main Set - Complete as many sets as possible in 11 minutes

20 - One Leg Kicking Kneelers (right leg)
20 - One Leg Kicking Kneelers (left leg)
10 - Wide Leg Burpees
20 - Squat with side leg abduction (alternate legs)

------1 Minute rest ------

Mini Set - Complete as many sets as possible in 8 minutes

10- Full body Sit ups
20 Ab Wheels (count one side only)
10 weighted clean and press with triceps extension

Instruction and Modification Video:

Real Time Workout - Keep Pace with Me

Upcoming Posts:    
         Recipe - Quinoa stir fry
         The Perfect body, is it fact or fiction?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekly Workout #5 - 500 rep challenge

Things are going to be a little different around here this week. Week #5 we are doing a 500 rep challenge, meaning when you finish this workout you will have completed 500 repetitions, pretty awesome and something to be proud of! This workout is to be done as fast as you can however for those of you concerned about keeping things in our 20 minutes or less range just complete as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. When I did this workout I completed it in 22:48, so just over 20 minutes and I was okay with going over 20 minutes by a bit. But that is the beauty of these workouts you can tailor them to fit you and your needs. This workout can be done 4 to 5 days this week and each day try and beat your previous days time even if it is only by a few seconds. I hope you enjoy this workout, I did, it was a nice change of pace and it kicked my butt for sure which is always what I am looking for!

Weekly Workout #5 - 500 rep Challenge
Time yourself and see how long it takes you to complete this set 5 times through!

20 skate hops with one leg squat
20 Donkey Kicks
20 Lower Ab tap and lift
20 Tricep dips on a chair with kick (alternate legs)
20 Cannonball Jacks

= 100 reps X 5 times though = 500 Reps!

Instruction Video: