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Weekly Workout Videos - Fresh healthy recipes - Inspiration, motivation and health tips - and it's all FREE!

New to F.A.H.M ? Start Here!

If you are just joining the Fit At Home Mom Program first off, WELCOME we are so happy to have you on board! This fitness program is designed so busy mom's or frankly just any busy person can get maximum results in minimum time when it comes to reaching their fitness goals. To find out how and why this program came to be, read the About Me and this Program Page

So how do you get started with us? Well it's simple, quick and free and right there we have eliminated your main excuses not to do this program! How it works is every Monday a new Weekly Workout will post. The workouts are 20 minutes or less and are extremely flexible (time wise) so they fit your schedule. The exercises are high intensity and often plyometric based, however there is always an instruction and modification video to help modify the moves so anyone on any fitness level can participate, so do not be intimidated or discouraged, you can work at your own level and pace. The weekly workout is typed out and posted along with 2 videos, the instruction and modification video where you learn each of the moves for that week and then for those of you who like to follow along and have someone in the background you can do the Real Time workout and keep pace with me! This is not a step by step instruction video, it is simply me turning out the workout as quick as I can and you are welcome to do it with me. The workout is supposed to then be completed everyday of the week except Sunday or if you choose you can take Saturday and Sunday off to recover. You are in a race against yourself and you are trying to improve upon the amount of sets you got through or your time by the end of the week versus the beginning. Here is a list of the archived Weekly Workouts that have already posted, so if you want you can start with week #1 and move on from there. You can also click on the "Weekly Workout" tab on the above menu bar. Or feel free to start with any workout you want, if you are joining us from places like Pinterest do the workout that brought you here, it really doesn't matter which one you pick what matters is that you do one!

Another part of the program is healthy recipes that I have either come up with or tried and tested myself and recommend. These recipes post on Wednesday and the archived recipes can be found here or click on the recipes tab. 
Friday's around here we like to use the blog to post either health and fitness information or good old fashion inspiration and we encourage you to read them as reaching your fitness goal involves being informed and motivated as well as eating right and exercising.

Are you ready to get going with us? We suggest you read the following articles from this blog to help give you the right mindset as well as help you maximize the effects of the program. These workouts are amazing and they will deliver results but you have to commit to them as well as commit to eating healthy. So with that said consider reading the following articles so you know the methods we choose to believe in and stand by here at Fit At Home Mom. 

To Eat or Not to Eat?
Foe or Friend? When to ignore the scale.
Be the Camel

Here is the instruction video for the stretching routine I do after every workout to minimize muscle soreness and fatigue as well as injury. You can modify this and change it however you like but whatever you choose to do make sure and stretch after every workout!

In addition to this blog there is a Facebook page where constant updates and support are given. Just search Fit at Home Mom on Facebook or click here to be directed to the page. 
I'm also always willing to answer questions or give support to anyone who needs it so feel free to contact me

Something else we would love for you to consider is taking a before  and after picture. We love getting feedback from our participants and with your permission will sometimes post them to help motivate others to give this program a try. (pictures can be sent to the email address above and will never be used for anything other then motivational posts on the F.A.H.M. blog or Facebook page)

Thanks for Joining the team here and we hope to see you every week. Now got get your 20 minutes done . . . no excuses! 

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