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Weekly Workout Videos - Fresh healthy recipes - Inspiration, motivation and health tips - and it's all FREE!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekly Workout #12

It feels great to be back, even though I am still not at full throttle, doing the instruction video was great and it is amazing how long the last 2 weeks have felt. Not only because of all the waiting on tests and test results but not being able to execute my usual routine. Unfortunately I still do not have any final answers as the Doc's are trying their best to determine what my lumps are made of and if they are benign or not by trying to be minimally invasive. This approach takes time and patience but I truly appreciate them not just cutting me open and then asking questions later. I had an MRI done this past weekend as well as some extensive blood work and they feel these will be the last tests needed to put the puzzle together and get a clear picture of what these strange lumps are. I still feel very positive and hopeful that this will all turn out to be no big deal. With that said I am a "take the bull by the horns" sort of gal and waiting is not my specialty so I decided to take matters into my own hands and have done everything I know how to do to keep my body healthy and strong. I have been juicing like a crazy woman and feeding my body all those natural and yummy vitamins. I have been detoxifying my body as well (organic herbal enema's...... ummm akward.......oh I know it's a hard concept for some but it is an amazing tool  for detoxification, specifically your liver) and since I could not do my insane workouts I've been doing gentle rebounding exercises to help pump the toxins out of my lymph-nodes. This has been very beneficial and I almost feel like my old self and the pain and swelling in my abdomen and back is now very manageable. The body truly is an amazing thing and if you can detoxify yours and get all the crud out of it's way it will amaze you what it can heal itself of! Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, well wishes and prayers, I truly appreciate them.
 But enough about me, lets get to the good stuff and that is this weeks workout. There are some fun new moves this week as well as some good old reliable ones. Just make sure you push to your maximum so you get that sweat flowing and those muscles burning!

Weekly Workout #12
Main Set
Complete as many times as possible in 11 minutes

20 Duck-Under Squats w/ side leg lift
10 One Leg Burpees -right
15 reverse Piston Push ups
10 One Leg Burpees -left

---- 1 Minute rest ---

Mini Set
Complete as many times as possible in 8 minutes

20 Run Lunges
20 Figure 8 Leg extensions
20 Froggy Ups

Instruction and Modifications: 

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